• Burning Flowers

    One standout track from the album Tataman is "BURNING FLOWERS," a delicately crafted melody that centers on love and intimacy, brilliantly capturing the poignant ache of grieving the end of a meaningful relationship. With its evocative lyrics and mesmerizing vocals, sung in a blend of Lingala and English, "BURNING FLOWERS" emerges as a soul-stirring piece that resonates with the ephemeral connections and haunting memories that linger in the air long after a loved one has departed. While the overarching theme of the album encourages us to "hold onto what you love," "BURNING FLOWERS" serves as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of some forms of love. In essence, it becomes a gentle ode to black love that deserves celebration even amidst the grief.

    L'un des titres phares de l'album est "BURNING FLOWERS", une mélodie délicate centrée sur l'amour et l'intimité, qui capture avec brio la douleur poignante du deuil d'une relation. Avec ses paroles évocatrices portées par des voix envoûtantes, chantée dans un mélange de lingala et d'anglais, "BURNING FLOWERS" est un morceau qui remue l'âme et fait écho aux souvenirs qui persistent dans l'air longtemps après le départ d'un être cher. Alors que le thème général de l'album nous encourage à "nous accrocher à ce que nous aimons", "BURNING FLOWERS" nous rappelle douloureusement l'impermanence de certains amours.

  • Tatamana

    New Album | Out Now

    “Tatamana” translates from Kikongo as "Don't give up" / “Hold On To What You Love“. The album is Batila’s journey to African spirituality, self-love and black love

  • Kindoki

    Single | 2021

    "Kindoki", is a song dedicated to the theme of "Voodoo". Devalued by the imperialists as "black magic" or "mumbo jumbo", this spirituality fell into disrepute. In Kindoki, Batila calls upon his ancestors and asks for this knowledge, these supernatural powers, "this magic"

  • Naboyi (feat. Lova Mutu Wa Ngozi)

    Single | 2021

    “Naboyi” means "I refuse / I reject " foreign spirituality, nga na boyi..

  • What About Me

    Single | Out Now

    “What About Me” is about finding personal independence from stereotypes, a song that is about breaking free from the confines that we impose on ourselves and that the world also imposes on us. It’s about freedom from limitations.

  • Healing ,Rehearsal session@Trixxstudios

  • Live @Durchlueften Festival, Berlin